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Welcom in the awesome cow collection of Jan the Cowman.
There is a lot to see here, from historical books of the last century to modern cow art and from cow cuttrely to cow toys and what else you can find about cows! Here you will also find the only collection of sperm straws(insimination straws) of cows in the Netherlands.
Call to 0031642281151 or email to jan@deloeiendekoe.nl for an appointent.
You can find more information and photos about Jan and his collection below.
The Collection
Jan's cow collection is exceptional. When Jan was 17 years old he became ill and could no longer go to school. The collection started then. After more than 40 years, the collection has grown into rooms full of cuddly toys, mugs, crockery, puzzles, games, cards, clocks, milk jugs, socks, t-shirts, duvet covers, figurines and so on. Too many to mention. In addition, in this collection you will find historical information about how dairy farming went on in the last century. Historical books that are still regularly consulted. This cow collection also contains a collection of semen straws, counting a total off over 1 million straws. All listed by color, bull name and number. Want to know more about this? Then come by for a guided tour with an explanation.
Tours can be done in Frisian, Dutch and even in English. People from all over the world have already visited Jan's collection and he has been on TV several times.
Who is Jan?
Jan was born on the last day of 1960 and from the last day of 2020, he has plenty of time for his hobby: collecting everything related to cows / bulls. Jan got his mavo diploma after primary school. Then he went to secondary agricultural school because he wanted to take over the farming business from his father. Unfortunately, illness threw a spanner in the works of his future. At the age of 17 Jan got a bleeding in his head after he got a football against his head. During this operation they encountered a large tumor. This was followed by surgery and radiation and a future perspective of 0%. Jan could no longer go to school and was at home all day long. Thanks to a vet who occasionally took Jan on his rounds, Jan came after a few years to work part-time at the veterinary practice in Dokkum. He enjoyed working here for more than 40 years. Due to modernization, the use of computers and the fact that he was in good shape, it was time for Jan to say goodbye. Now Jan has plenty of time for his collection. Jan does not have a computer, everything is on paper and Jan knows exactly where what is or what is.
Information and opening times
Open with Appointmen
Adres: Fennewei 22 Hantumeruitburen
Call to 0031642281151 or email to jan@deloeiendekoe.nl for an appointent.
Tours can be done in Frisian, Dutch and even in English. People from all over the world have already visited Jan's collection and he has been on TV several times.
Links to items and information about Jan's collection:
If you have come across more nice videos, information or other things about Jan and his collection, share it with us and send it in an email to Jan@deloeiendekoe.nl